Top 5 Benefits Of Using Goat Milk Soap

August 28, 2015 2 min read

Benefits of using goat milk soap

One question we get asked a lot is, "What are the benefits of using goat milk soap"? That's a good question! You should question what you put on your skin. It's not only important for people with sensitive or problem skin but people with healthy skin. You want to keep your skin healthy!

Let me first tell you our goat milk soap is never cut with water! We use pure, raw, goats milk from our goats. Our goats aren't fed anything bad. We never spray our pasture. We feed only organic and non-gmo grains. We also maintain our goats health with the use of herbs instead of conventional medication and a whole lot of love goes into our goats. We love what we do and we think it shows! We have happy goats! 
Let's take a look at the top 5 benefits of using goat milk soap
  • Moisturizing Ability: Milk has the ability to moisturize you skin and help your skin maintain moisture. The milk content in our soap is high in cream and fat. This is good news for people with dry or sensitive skin. High cream and fat content means extra moisturizing ability. We use whole milk from Nubian goats. Nubian's have a higher fat content that other goats. 
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Goats milk contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid that aids in skin rejuvenation. It helps remove dead skin cells leaving new smooth skin cells, producing a younger look. 
  • Protein: Milk is naturally rich in protein making goat milk soap great for delicate and acne prone skin types. Protein found in milk has essential amino acids, again making goat milk soap an excellent choice for delicate and acne prone skin types. These proteins help kill acne producing bacteria. 
  • Vitamins: Vitamin A is naturally produced in goats milk. We all hear about retinol these days but did you know that retinol comes from animal sources like goats milk? Retinol is Vitamin A! Which is great for your skin! This is good news for people with acne, psoriasis and other skin disorders. As a bonus it also helps with fine lines and wrinkles.  
  • Minerals:Goats milk is loaded with minerals that are important for your body. Minerals like calcium, potassium, selenium to name a few. Calcium for example is important for every organ in our body and your skin is no exception. Calcium is great for skin rejuvenation. Potassium help the growth of new cells, which in turn makes your skin healthier. Selenium can help skin from over exposure to the sun. Selenium is also believed to help prevent skin cancer. 

Softer, younger skin is waiting for you! It's just hard to overlook the benefits of using goat milk soap


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